Kia ora,
You are invited to take part in our national survey “How do parents in Aotearoa think, feel and talk about eating and body image with their preschool children.”
Please read this information carefully, to help you decide if you’d like to take part in the study.
Learn more about the national survey
What is this survey about?
This is an anonymous survey about howparents in Aotearoa think, feel and talk about eating and body image with young children. We will use the information to create a public health intervention to support parents to raise children with a healthy relationship with food and their bodies.
Who can take the survey?
Parents or guardians of children between the ages of one to five years of age that live in Aotearoa can complete the survey.
How long will the survey take to complete?
What questions will I be asked?
You will be asked questions about how you feed your children, how you respond to your child in certain situations, self-compassion (how kind you are to yourself), and what you would like in a resource for supporting early childhood eating and body image.
What are the benefits of doing the survey?
By taking part, you are having your say in development of a resource to support parents to raise children with a healthy relationship with food and their bodies. You will also be invited to attend a webinar about nutrition for preschoolers with a NZ Registered Dietitian and be entered into the draw to win 1 of 5 $50 petrol vouchers.
Are there any risks for me?
This is a low risk study. There may be questions that remind you of an unpleasant experience. At the end of this sheet are the phone numbers of organisations that can help if you feel upset.
What are my rights?
Taking part is completely voluntary. You can stop the survey at any time without any disadvantage to you. Once you have completed the survey, you will be unable to withdraw your responses. This is because there will be no identifiable information connected to your survey answers, i.e. no one will know which answers are yours.
Where will my responses be stored?
The online surveys will be collected using Qualtrics. This is a secure survey distribution software managed by the University of Auckland that is only available to the named researchers on this project. Any data downloaded from Qualtrics will be de-identified and stored in a two-factor authenticated password-protected file on University servers.
How can you get updates about the study?
We will upload results and reports on our study Facebook page and website as soon as they are ready. We will also publish scientific articles, report findings at conferences and share results through media.
This study has been approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 26/07/2022 for three years. Reference number UAHPEC24422.
For any queries regarding ethical concerns you may contact the Chair, The University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee, Office of Research Strategy and Integrity, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142. Telephone 09 373-7599 ext. 83711. Email: